Sonntag, 21. Mai 2017


Richard E. Clear: OLD MAGAZINES. Second Edition Identification & Value Guide

cb Collector Books. A Division of Schroeder Publishing Co., Inc. 2006
336 S. durchgängig farbig ill. -  isbn: 1-57432-501-9

Umfangreicher, empfehlenswerter Preiskatalog (und gleichzeitig bibliographisches Grundlagenwerk) zu vorwiegend amerikanischen Magazinen. Im Gegensatz zu Russell werden weitaus mehr Veröffentlichungen (wenn auch in knapperer Darstellung) berücksichtigt. (Karl Jürgen Roth, Mai 2017)

- Kurzvorstellung, keine Rezension -

"Old Magazines, Second Edition, will delight both collectors and dealers. Author Richard E. Clear has 30 years of experience dealing in periodicals, and wrote his first book on magazines in 1974. Magazines from many different areas are included: movie, trade, fashion, farm, sports, and more, and over 300 new color photos have been added to this edition, representing the thousands of magazines available. The book focuses on the more common, easily recognized and attainable copies rather than rare issues. Each listing includes information such as title, size, volume, publisher, dates published, all known names of the magazine, and a realistic market value. Because old magazines often span large periods and appear in literally thousands of issues, Clear gives criteria for spotting the more valuable issues. Included in this new edition is a list of illustrators with information about where to find their work, a suggested grading guide, a list of paper dolls by name and where they can be found, and a ten-page section on advertisements." [Verlagswerbung)